We are very proud that ChemCatChem asked us to design the cover for our publication: Low Temperature Sunlight-Powered Reduction of CO2 to CO Using a Plasmonic Au/TiO2 Nanocatalyst.
Autors: Pau Martínez Molina,Nicole Meulendijks,Dr. Man Xu,Dr. Marcel A. Verheijen,Dr. Tim den Hartog,Prof. Pascal Buskens,Dr. Francesc Sastre.
The Cover Feature shows a sketch of the photoreactor which is the core of the experimental setup used by P. Martínez Molina et al. in their Communication. Inside the reactor, the plasmonic Au/TiO2 nanocatalyst used for the sunlight powered hydrogenation of CO2 to CO is represented. The reactor has been brought to life in the form of a plant, representing the relationship of the process to natural photosynthesis. On the left side, CO2 and green H2 – the reactants – can be seen, surrounded by a bleak atmosphere which represents the environmental impact of atmospheric CO2. On the right side, a plant full of life represents the potential of the studied process to contribute to a cleaner and more sustainable world. In their process, the authors achieved a quantum efficiency of 4.7 % with a CO selectivity of 98% under solar light irradiation at ambient reactor temperature. More information can be found in the Communication by P. Martínez Molina et al.